Sunday, July 11, 2010


Ava has been loving the kittens a little (a lot) too much lately. We often find her carrying one by the neck or pulling one out from under the couch by it's tail.
The other day was my Bunco night so Chris decided to grill on the BBQ for his dinner. He went out to put the steaks on and Ava wanted to watch him so she got up on the couch to look out the window for him. It only took Chris a couple of minutes, but when he came in he saw Ava on the couch leaned up against the window. He told her to get down and that is when he noticed the kitty. It was in the crook of her elbow being held around it's neck and she had been leaning on it so she could see outside. Chris yelled at her to put it down and when she did it just fell on the couch and didn't move!!! Ava had Totally Knocked it Out!!!! By the time Chris got over to it Wally had started to move and then jumped up and ran away.
I don't know how to make her stop squishing these kittens. She is not allowed to hold them and she can only pet them if we are watching her. The second me or Chris are not paying attention she runs for the kitties and starts loving (squishing) them.

I think I might go crazy telling her to STOP SQUISHING THE KITTENS all day long!

(she doesn't mean to hurt them she just is loving them a little to much!)

Winston and Wally 022


Stefanie said...

hahaha I just love this story cause it is so true she just loves the heck out of those poor little kitties. The sad thing is that the kitty loves her back cause he just keeps coming back for more!!!

Kristy said...

oh Cami....that is TOOOO FUNNY!! And really sad at the same time. Those poor kittens. I love it :)