Tuesday, July 13, 2010

'Super Capes'

Myla had to get her stitches out today. She was really scared about it and when I told my Mom she came up with the idea to make her a 'Super Cape' so she could be brave!

Super Capes 063 Of course she had to make Ava one too and she even put their initials on the back. 'M' is for Magic Myla and 'A' is for Amazing Ava.

Super Capes 040

The cape worked great and helped her to not be scared of the doctor.

Apparently you can still get tired of running around even with a 'Super Cape' on.

Super Capes 055

Thanks Mom you are the Greatest Grandma Debbie ever!!!! We love you :)


Julie said...

Such a cute idea! Hope it made everything easier.

Lynnette said...

That was a great idea!!! My kids used to be scared of the dentist, then I found the book 'Timothy Tiger Goes To The Dentist,' and it helped ALOT!!! Thank goodness for child psychology!!!! AND Grama's!!