Friday, July 9, 2010


We had our first set of stitches at the Taylor household yesterday. Poor Myla was riding her princess scooter down the driveway and somehow fell off, did a front flip and landed on her face. I think the screw from her front wheel hit her at some point and that is what cut her so bad :( She got twelve stitches total. There are three inside because it was soooo deep and nine on the outside. The stitches weren't the painful part for her it was the shots to numb her that where horrible!
The nurse numbed her first and then the doctor came in to do the stitches and did two whole stitches with Myla screaming before he said I think the shots have wore off.( I mean really could you not have noticed that the second that you stuck the needle in the first time and she started screaming!) So the doctor had to do a whole bunch of more shots before she went numb.

This picture was from last night after she had come home and taken a two hour nap.

This was from this morning when it started to swell. I didn't get any pictures of it tonight but the swelling has got a lot worse.

The next pictures are kind of gross. If you get grossed out easily don't scroll down!!!
Chris took this picture on his phone while we were waiting for the doctor.

This was right after she was finished with her stitches
Hopefully it will heal well and she won't have too bad of a scar from it.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!! poor girl:( with big beautiful eyes like hers nobody is going to notice any scar on that girls face:)

Mikelle and Ben said...

Oh no! This makes me want to cry!!!! I feel so bad for her! Poor little girl. I hope she starts feeling better! :)

Stefanie said...

Oh that breaks my heart for her!! She is so so dang cute even with her stitches. I have a little present for her that I am bringing tomorrow. Poor girl :(

Lynnette said...

Poor Myla!!! That is so sad. I hope she gets better quickly :) I think it's as hard on Mom and Dad as it is on her, right? We hate to see our children hurt!

Beau and Candace said...

OH, how sad! She is going to be one tough little girl, between broken bones and stiches, what does she have to be scared of?!