Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chap Stick Anyone?

You know when your house gets really quiet all of a sudden and you just know that your kids are up to something. I found my girls in the corner of Ava's room rubbing Myla's new chap stick on as fast as they could! It was so funny and I tried really hard not to laugh :)

You can't tell from the picture very good but Myla's has about a half an inch thick of chap stick on her lips!

Ava had already licked and eaten most of hers off before I could grab the camera!

I love those two little ones they really can keep me laughing all day long :)


Stefanie said...

hahahahahahahaha I love it. I bet they had a ton on. That day I gave her some at my house she had so much on in like 2 seconds flat. Love it! they are both so pretty though!

Amy and Jeremy said...

What a pair:) They are so great together. I know the "too quiet feeling" Kenyon smashed more Christmas to get the tree down:)